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Will Trump Bans Go Beyond 2020

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Will President Trump extend his immigrant bans beyond December 31, 2020. Hi, I'm Jim Hacking, immigration lawyer, practicing law throughout the United States at our office here in St. Louis, Missouri. Thanks for tuning in again. Today's question was actually asked twice by Ala and Kevin, and they were both on a recent Immigration Answers Show Live that we did on YouTube and on Facebook. So, if you're not following us in Immigrant Home, or if you're not following us on YouTube, you might've missed out. But basically, every Tuesday and Thursday, we are going live from 12:00 until 1:00 Central Time. And you can get in the waiting room, ask me a question on camera and I'll do my best to answer it. And, of course, there's no charge for that. That is the Immigration Answers Show Live.

And I didn't get to all the questions yesterday, so I'm shooting a few videos based on the questions that I didn't get to. And one was from Ala and Kevin. I would like to have asked this question or answered it on video. So, here I am. The question is... Well, President Trump has all these bans on immigrants coming to the United States. He has bans on Muslims, bans on parents of US citizens, bans on the spouses and children of green card holders, all these bands, and they're all set to expire on December 31, 2020. Now, Mr. Trump believed he was going to get re-elected. And, of course, if he had been re-elected, he would have not just extended these bans, but probably instituted a whole lot more. His little satanic assistance, Stephen Miller, purportedly had a drawer full of immigration bans and tweaks that they wanted to put into place that were apparently too gross, too disgusting to even let loose before the election. So, I have every belief that if President Trump had been re-elected, these bans would have been extended.

So, the question is... Obviously, President Trump lost. He got his butt kicked by Joe Biden and he lost many states that Hillary Clinton had lost before. So, Mr. Trump finds himself headed out of the White House and maybe to jail. We'll have to wait and see on that. But anyway, let me get to the question. The question is, "Jim, do you think these will be extended beyond December 31st?" Now, a rational person might say, "Well, he's leaving, why extend it." But, of course, he's not a rational person and he's mean, and he hates immigrants. So, I have every belief that these bans will be extended up until at least January 20th. President-elect Joseph Biden has promised to rescind any of these bans that are in place, except maybe the health bans, after January 20th. So, in answer to your question, Ala and Kevin, I believe that these bans will be extended for another 21 days. So, after that they'll have no real legal effect. And Mr. Biden will instruct the State Department to stop following those bans and get back to work of following the law. And that is issuing visas that they are required by law to issue.

So, if you have questions about this, give us a call 314-961-8200. You can email us at [email protected]. Be sure to join us in our Facebook Group. It's called Immigrant Home. Hope you're in there. We answer questions. We have fun. And we provide the latest news. You also know about our YouTube channel. Make sure you subscribed to that, so that you get updates whenever we make videos. And be sure to check us out on Tuesdays and Thursdays live, like I said, on Facebook and YouTube for the Immigration Answers Show Live. Finally, we just started our Instagram channel, which is @hackinglawpracticellc. Thanks a lot. Hope to see you next time.

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