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Can We Expect Faster USCIS Processing Times in 2023?

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“Can We Expect Faster USCIS Processing Times in 2023?”

That's the million-dollar question on every immigrant's mind. Negotiating the complexities of immigration can be a real challenge, and with processing times continually rising, it's like being caught between two conflicting forces.

The big concern is whether we can anticipate an improvement in USCIS processing times this year or if this sluggish pace will be our new normal.

The (USCIS) or United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, is in charge of handling applications for:

  • Visas
  • Green cards
  • Citizenship
  • Among other things

Many people and families waiting for their applications to be decided worry about how long it takes USCIS to process them.

In this blog post, we'll look at the chance of USCIS processing times being faster this 2023 and discuss what could make this happen.

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Recap of USCIS Processing Times in Recent Years

In recent years, many applicants have been upset about how long takes USCIS to handle their applications. Delays and longer wait times are happening more often, which affects the lives of people and companies that use immigration services. Some things have led to these long working times, such as:

  • demand has gone up
  • policy changes
  • worldwide spread of COVID-19

In particular, the COVID-19 outbreak greatly affected how USCIS worked. Because of health and safety concerns, travel limits, social isolation, and less staffing slowed down the application process.

Also, the pandemic made many people want to apply because they wanted stability and protection in a time of uncertainty.

The Impact of Trump-Era Policies on USCIS Processing Times

Policy changes, like those made during the Trump administration, can greatly affect how long it takes for USCIS to do its work. One big change was that application forms, especially for employment authorization documents, got longer and more complicated.

Because of these changes, there was more scrutiny during the extension process, which slowed things down. Applicants had to fill out long surveys and give accurate information. This takes more time and makes the process take longer. Also, the process for getting a green card changed so that more interviews were done in person, especially at the Texas Service Center.

Even though these interviews are meant to ensure full screening, they also add to the time it takes to make decisions. It's important to know how changes in policies and procedures at a USCIS office or service center, like the National Benefits Center, can affect working times and plan accordingly.

Factors That Could Impact USCIS Processing Times in 2023

Even though there have been problems in recent years, a few things could make USCIS handling times faster in 2023.

1) Potential Policy Changes

The current government wants to change immigration and make the overall legal immigration system easier. Changes to policies that aim to make them more efficient and cut down on backlogs could make working times faster.

2) Technological Upgrades and Automation

USCIS has been busy updating its systems and adding technology to make things run more smoothly. If these technological advances are used well, they could make a big difference in processing times by cutting down on manual jobs and making things run more smoothly.

3) Staffing Changes

USCIS could hire more people to fix handling delays or change how they train and use their resources. More people and better training could speed up the review process and reduce backlogs.

4) Ongoing Immigration Reform Discussions and Legislation

The talks about immigration reform and the possible passing of new laws could lead to changes in the way USCIS is set up. These changes could be made to make fair and efficient services, speeding up the time needed.

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USCIS's Efforts to Improve Efficiency

USCIS has already taken steps to fix handling delays and reduce backlogs because they know they need to improve. They have put in place things like:

  • Getting more people on board
  • Adding more chances for OT
  • Getting service centers to share the work

USCIS has also tried to improve the experience for applicants by digitizing processes, adding online portals, and improving contact channels.

If these attempts work, they could help make processing times faster in 2023. But it's important to look at past projects and how they affected working times to see how well these measures work.

Consider expert predictions for 2023

Immigration experts and USCIS employees have given their thoughts and predictions about how long it will take for USCIS to handle applications in 2023. Even though there is hope that things will improve, it is important to take these predictions with a grain of salt because outside forces and problems that no one saw coming can change how things turn out.

It is important to keep up with official USCIS statements and expert views for a better idea of what might change.

Implications for Immigrants and Sponsors

People and families who are waiting for their applications to be handled are directly affected by the processing times at USCIS. People anxiously awaiting a decision on their legal status would feel better if they could get their paperwork done faster. It would give people more security and let them plan their lives and make important choices.

For donors and employers, faster processing times mean that their businesses will run more smoothly and the hiring process will go more smoothly. It would make it easier for new employees to start working and keep things running smoothly.

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What You Can Do to Speed Up Your Case

Even though you can't directly change how long it takes USCIS to handle your case, there are some things you can do:

Prepare a Strong Application

Read over the rules and standards for your application carefully. Ensure you have all the necessary paperwork and complete the forms correctly. A well-done application makes it less likely that you'll be asked for more proof and can speed up the decision-making process.

Seek Legal Assistance

Talking to an experienced immigration lawyer can help you figure out how to go through the complicated immigration process. They can help you through the application process, give you good advice, and help you solve any problems that might come up.

Stay Informed

Keep up with the latest USCIS statements, policy changes, and processing time updates. This will help you set realistic goals and prepare for any changes affecting your case.

Be Patient and Plan Ahead

Even though faster working times are better, it's important to be patient during the whole process. Know that USCIS deals with many applications and that there may be delays you can't prevent. Plan backup plans to ensure handling delays don't cause too many problems.

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Hacking Immigration Law, LLC Will Be Your Time-Saving Ally

It can take a lot of work to figure out how to deal with complicated and time-consuming processes (USCIS). But with the help of immigration lawyers from Hacking Immigration Law, LLC, you can expect:

Expertise in premium processing

Immigration lawyers are great at handling situations that require premium processing. People can speed up the processing of certain employment-based petitions by choosing premium processing, which ensures a faster response from USCIS.

Because the experts know the process inside and out, your case will be prepared, sent, and tracked in a way that saves you time and helps you make a decision faster.

Efficient adjustment of status

Adjusting your status is a very important part of becoming a lawful permanent resident status in the United States. Hacking Immigration Law, LLC has helped clients through this process a lot.

Our skilled lawyers know all the ins and outs of the law, including: 

  • Getting the forms done
  • Compiling supporting documents
  • Getting ready for the interviews

Using their knowledge, you can speed up changing your status, reduce delays, and save important time.

Expert Handling of Nebraska Service Center Cases

The Nebraska Service Center (NSC) handles many USCIS petitions, including those for immigration based on work.

We have a track record of handling NSC cases well, ensuring all paperwork is done right and turned in on time. Giving your case to their experienced team lets you move quickly through the NSC process, cutting down on working times and saving you a lot of time.

Swift Employment Authorization Document (EAD) Processing

An Employment Authorization Document (EAD) is a very important piece of paper that lets some non-immigrants officially work in the U.S. Hacking Immigration Law, LLC knows how important it is to get an EAD quickly.

Our experienced lawyers help customers with filling out the application correctly, putting together evidence, and taking them quickly to the USCIS office that needs it. You can speed up the EAD process using their knowledge, which will let you start working sooner.

Timely Tracking of Case Progress

We ensure that your case is being tracked well by closely monitoring receipt reports and other important USCIS letters.

They inform their clients about changes, so you always know how your case goes. This proactive method lets you deal with any problems immediately, which cuts down on delays and speeds up the legal immigration process.


Even though there is hope that the USCIS will be able to process things faster by 2023, it is important to go into this topic with sensible goals. Different factors, such as policy changes and technological improvements, can affect processing times. 

As an applicant or sponsor, staying up-to-date on the process is important, as is being proactive when planning your application and talking to an immigration lawyer to help you.

By taking these steps, you can set yourself up for the best possible result, but keep in mind that things outside your control may still affect processing times.

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