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The Case Was Transferred, and a New Office Has Jurisdiction

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Why was my case transferred to another USCIS office?

Hi, I'm Jim Hacking, an Immigration Lawyer practicing law throughout the United States at our office here in St. Louis, Missouri.

We get this question a lot. A lot of people freak out when they get alerts as to recent developments in their processing case at USCIS. A lot of people also spend a lot of energy and time trying to track down every single lead and every bit of data they can about where their case is pending.

And I get that these are important cases. Immigration is an important issue for people. If you're trying to bring a family member here or trying to obtain an immigration benefit like a green card for yourself, you want to get that information. But you can't get so worked up that you go high and low, depending on what the online alerts are.

What Happens if My Case Got Transferred to Another Office?

One of the biggest things that we see people freaking out about with online alerts is when they find out that their case has been transferred to another immigration office without a transfer notice

Usually, this is transferring from one service center to another. Now, when your case is transferred from a service center to the field office, especially if it’s one that involves an interview, that’s something you’re going to be expecting because it means your case is moving along just fine.

What Happens if My Case Got Transferred Without an Approval Notice?

But when your case gets transferred to another service center without an approval notice, people really freak out and get all worked up about it. There's really no reason for that. All it means is that your case is being processed by a different office. That's usually done not because of anything in particular about your case but because the processing times at various offices fluctuate. Some get busier, and some get slower. Your case is then just expected to move to that other office, so they can continue processing your case. It's generally a good thing. But the long and the short of it is you really shouldn't get too wound up over what online alerts you receive about your case status. Sometimes that information is wrong, the computer system kicks out incorrect information, or it tells you something that might not even be true.

So I wouldn't get too worked up over it. I don't think you need to spend much time thinking about it. You should just be trying to figure out how to make your case stronger, how to file a better case, and how to make sure that you’re ready when your interview comes. What USCIS does is move your case back and forth. Usually, is not a sign of anything in particular about your case. You really just need to let it go, give it sufficient time, and not worry about it.

All right! We hope you found this post helpful. If you have a case pending and you have questions, give us a call at 314-961-8200. You can email us at [email protected]

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