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Immigration News

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Couple Seek Refuge From Deportation in Local Church

by Jim Hacking | March 27, 2018

A couple in New Britain, Connecticut were given a deportation order but refused to leave the country last week and sought sanctuary at a local church.  Malik Nayeed bin... VIEW POST
What Have We Accomplished Here? Just recently I was reading about a Palestinian man who had been in this country for almost 40 years who was now being  deported.  In another article I was... VIEW POST
Ninety-Two Somali Nationals Subjected to Inhumane Conditions on Deportation Flight

by Jim Hacking | January 2, 2018

After ninety-two Somali citizens were flown out of the United States under deportation orders, their flight did not make it to Somalia and the plane landed in Senegal instead... VIEW POST
CBP Arrests Undocumented Immigrants After DHS Makes Statement Halting Immigration Enforcement During Hurricane Irma

by Jim Hacking | December 8, 2017

The US Department of Homeland Security tried to quell those fears, promising that there would be a temporary hold on noncriminal immigration enforcement and ICE and CBP would focus... VIEW POST
Court Stops Deportation of a Potential Victim of Honor Killing

by Jim Hacking | November 25, 2017

A decision was made recently in the 6th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals case, Kamar v. Sessions. Kamar, a Catholic woman born in Lebanon, grew up in Jordan and... VIEW POST
Trump's Extreme Vetting Initiative Impossible Without Bias

by Jim Hacking | November 20, 2017

In pursuit of a way to accomplish Donald Trump’s “extreme vetting” for immigrants idea, large technology firms like IBM, Booz Allen Hamilton, and Red Hat attempted to take on... VIEW POST
Portland ICE Agent Texts Immigrant

by Jim Hacking | November 3, 2017

A Portland resident received a text on a Wednesday morning that addressed the man by his first name and read, “This is Officer Smith.  My address is as follows:... VIEW POST
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